2019 Word of the Year: Progress

2019 Word of the Year: Progress

I've mentioned it a few times, but 2018 was a life changing year. While I was grieving and figuring out what my new life looked like, I implemented some changes to really anchor myself. When I start to feel overwhelmed and anxious, I organize. I do really well when I have a plan, and a backup plan. I eliminate the doubt that I have and it makes me feel secure. I realized that some of these small changes I put into place, really made positive impacts on my day to day life. The word progress comes in because I believe life is a work in progress. Life ebbs and flows; we have ups and downs and it's how we respond that matters. I have areas in my life that I want to continue to make progress on. I want to continue growing and learning and doing what makes me happy. 

Hobbies: I want to make progress with balancing my hobbies and down time. Often, I find myself turning to YouTube when I have down time. I feel like it takes priority, but I want to incorporate more of my interests. I also love reading, and listening to music and I want to find a balance. I started listening to music in the morning when I'm getting ready, and I feel like it helps to set me up for the day. I'm happier, my son enjoys the music and we leave the house on a good note. I'm trying to fit books more into my commute to work and my evenings. 

Meal Planning: Meal planning really helps me get through the week, but I can do better. I want to make progress with being more consistent. On Sunday, I need to plan for the week. It doesn't have to be set in stone but have a general idea of the meals I will make that week. We're busy, my son has Jui Jitsu twice a week, I also cook for my Dad who has rotating shifts, my husband and I work full time and having a plan really puts me at ease. 

Finances: Saving is going to be a big goal for me this year. I want to be more intentional with my purchases and that includes beauty. I mentioned before but I purchase alot of smaller affordable options and skip out on the higher end items but the spending is the same. If I would stop with the smaller purchases, and just buy the one higher end item that I want- it would be fine. The end goal is to buy something that I really want to own and use it. It's fine to buy the affordable options, but I need to really want it, not just because it's affordable.

Blog: As my blog grows and I continue to enjoy blogging. I've been wanting to make progress with the content that I put out. I love beauty, and this will remain beauty focused but I want to be true to myself and include some productivity, motivation and lifestyle content. When it comes to beauty, I want to do more than just reviews. I want to explore more and really find my voice. I want to be creative and have fun blogging. 

Routines: I'm a big advocate for implementing routines but I can make progress in this area. I have a morning routine and an evening routine that work well, but I want to see if there are some improvements that can be made. For my son's bedtime routine, I want to incorporate more books. Reading at bedtimes is happening less and less, and I really need to change that. He loves books, and I need to make that a priority in his routine. 

Relationships: I keep my core relationships a priority, but I don't let a lot of people in. I'm an introvert, and perfectly fine being alone when I have to be. I don't think that's a bad thing, but I want to make sure that I'm not closing off too many people, especially family. 

2019 is going to be a year that I try to find balance, try to make further progress and live my best life. When you have such a life changing year, you really put into perspective what is really important to you. I want to simplify my life, and improve where I need to. Life is about progress, and picking yourself up when you fall down. 


  1. I can see how so many of your goals can align for 2019, maybe you can make cooking new food styles to be a new hobby to become more creative WHILE ALSO blogging about your progress! It sounds like a fun way to blend so many of the things you want to do. Good luck and happy new year!

  2. I hope 2019 is everything you want it to be! Looking forward to all of your posts this year xx

